MRS. ANGE SCHMELZER: By day I am the District LMC Director for the School District of Monroe where I directly oversee the middle school & high school in Monroe, WI. I get to promote books to 1,200+ 6-12 grade students, staff, and parents while also integrating technology into every aspect of the library and classrooms I work with.
By night I am a rockstar! Ok, maybe not a rockstar, but I AM a mother of 2 amazing young women, a watcher of movies & TV shows, a lover of music, an avid pizza eater, a former UW-Whitewater Warhawk Marching Band Member & competitive Show Choir performer, a habitual historical site and museum visitor, a lover of animals, a buyer of signs big and small with sayings, and basically a goofball of sarcasm and CRAZY curly hair. By midnight (I don't sleep much) I am a sheep, chicken, duck and goose owner who knits and crochets.
I earned my Bachelor of Science in Education Degree in Secondary English Education and Library Media from The University of Wisconsin- Whitewater. I have ALWAYS been a reader of YA Literature and being a school librarian is literally a dream job because not only do I get to pick ALL the books to buy in two school libraries, but I also get to talk about these books with all of the kids, staff and parents who walk into our libraries. Plus, there's the technology to share with them too that is just so darn fun! I mean really... how cool is that!?

Ms. Heather Ames Newton - I am super excited to be a part of the Monroe School District. I am the District LMC Director for Abe Lincoln, Northside, and Parkside Elementary Schools. I am thrilled to be back in the elementary setting as I love to read to students of all ages while promoting new and exciting literature. Technology will also be a focus for the students through recently created makerspaces in all buildings. The students and staff will be participating in activities promoting creativity and problem solving, building structures, designing, programming and much more. This should be super fun!
On a personal note, I love to read, travel, spend time with my family, cook and sing. I believe in being kind to others, learning something new everyday, living the simple life and working toward becoming a minimalist. The last book I read was “Treating People Well….The Extraordinary Power of Civility at Work and in Life” by Lea Berman and Jeremy Bernard. Quite an interesting read.
I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Special Education for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and also Library Sciences. My career started in Mineral Point, team teaching for four years and then 20 years in Oregon, WI. I have worked with students from Pre-K thru 12th grade. I have collaborated with so many wonderful colleagues throughout my career and am looking forward to earning the respect and getting to know families, students and staff in Monroe WI.

These students decided to use the green screen for a final project at MMS.

The NSE STEAM Committee visited the MMS Makerspace and the Nerd Squad twice last year getting to try out many options there.

Dream it and you can do it!

High school is about taking on your own topics when researching those advanced writing papers.

These ladies used green cards they earned from their teachers to spend the hour reading quietly in the MMS LMC Reading Lounge.

Ms. Schultz's classes took time to quietly read in the MHS LMC after selecting their just right books for the semester.

Mr. Jayne visits with some of the MHS students on his job as a constitutional lawyer.

The MMS Battle of the Books team is battling online against the rest of the state to see who remembers the most about 20 books they read!

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District LMC Directors
Abraham Lincoln, Northside & Parkside Elementary School:
Ms. Heather Newton 608-328-7415
Monroe Middle School and High School: Mrs. Ange Schmelzer 608-328-7416